Lunar eclipse followed by total solar eclipse, March and April 2024

The penumbral lunar eclipse takes place on Monday, March 25, 2024.

A penumbral lunar eclipse happens when only the Earth’s outer and light shadow, called the penumbra, falls on the lunar disk. During this type of lunar eclipse, the lunar disk appears only a little darkened. During the March eclipse, about 95.6% of the Moon will be in the penumbral shadow.

The image below explains the different types of lunar eclipses:

Image source:

The March full “worm” moon announces the coming of spring. Named for the emergence of earthworms when the ground thaws, the worm moon is considered to represent renewal and growth.

We will take the example of the city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, where the penumbral lunar eclipse begins on Monday, March 25, 2024, st 01:53(AM). The maximum eclipse occurs at 04:13, the eclipse ends at 06:05. The duration of this eclipse is 4 hours and 13 minutes.

The image below shows how the Moon looks like when viewed from Rio de Janeiro at about 2:00 AM, and at the time of the maximum eclipse at 4:12 AM (Moon appearance and image made with the Stellarium astronomy app)

Historically, it is generally known or recognized that the first solar eclipse was predicted by the ancient philosopher and astronomer Thales. This eclipse most likely took place on May 28, 585 BCE.

A solar eclipse happens when the Moon comes in between the sun and the Earth. The Moon gets in the way of the Sun’s light and casts its shadow on Earth.

The following image shows the positions of planet Earth, the Moon and the Sun in the solar system at the time of the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 (image made with the Mobile Observatory app):

The image below shows an animation of the path of the solar eclipse:

Image source:

Taking as an example the town of Tipton, Indiana, USA, the animated image below shows three steps of the total solar eclipse. The maximum of the eclipse occurs on Monday, April 8 2024 at 15:08, the eclipse ends at 16:23. The duration of the solar eclipse is 2 hours and 32 minutes (eclipse images made with the Stellarium astronomy app):

Animated solar eclipse

In the image above, Zeta Piscium A is the primary component of Zeta Piscium (ζ Piscium, abbreviated Zet Psc, ζ Psc), a quintuple star system in the zodiac constellation of Pisces. Zeta Piscium A consists of a pair of A-type sub-giant stars with an angular separation of 0.15 arcseconds and visual magnitude 5.28.

The image below shows the solar eclipse taking place on April 8 in Torreon, Mexico at 11:46 (AM)

Lunar and solar eclipses come in pairs, separated by an interval of two weeks.

The March lunar eclipse is the first of the year 2024. It is followed by three more eclipses: a total solar eclipse on April 8, a partial lunar eclipse on September 18, and an annular solar eclipse on October 2.